Monday, June 19, 2000

molson ice and fork surgery

spanky bailed this weekend, prolly from being high on beer, and opened up the wound on his thigh. instead of going to the hospital, spanky had scarb remove the staples in his leg with a fork. the leg, of course, got crazy infected. susan described scarb's medical "procedure" to smith as the "stupidest idea anyone's ever had since walking on bridge

last night, bob virgin took one look at spanky's leg and without hesitation, drove him to the emergency room. the doctors were shocked, immediately plugged an anti-biotic iv into his arm, and told him that if his leg got any more infected he could lose it. when they released your homey, they told him to keep the iv in for the night and return for another in the morning. of course, spanky took the iv out because he "wouldn't be able to sleep with it in" and grabbed a molson ice from the fridge.


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