Thursday, July 28, 2005

I can't stand it anymore. I've started four different posts about Samoa, Hawaii and the week I spent on tour with Billy Corgan, but I just haven't committed the time to finish them.

So here you are. See 100 of my favorite Samoa photos here. See 24 of my favorite Hawaii photos here. Both photosets are in my "Recent Work" section see you can see some of the other stuff I've done recently. Coming soon, photos from the Billy Corgan tour.

The Mall photos made the cover of Mesh Magazine, an every 6 weeks or so arts & music tabloid here in SF. I really like the photos and those guys were great subjects to work with, and their music is really good. Listen to them here and check out the upcoming show dates while you are at it. Although there's some Casio keyboards in there, I like The Mall a lot because there are doing something outside the mind-dulling dance-punk that seems to own San Francisco right now.

Also up are promo photos of Danny & Linda Fetzer of Jeriko Estate Winery for a new wine magazine coming out of Mendocino County. I ended up doing that one totally unexpectedly. After getting back from Billy Corgan, I went up to Hopland/Ukiah to recover my car, which I stashed at my parent's house back in June. The sun was setting, and I was hanging out with the old man on the porch. My parents live next to Danny & Linda and the Jeriko Estate. He gave them a call about some sort of neighborly thing, and they lamented their inability to take a good looking photo. So my dad, being the good man that he is volunteered my services.

It was the exact right time of day for those kind of photos. Thanks to the wonder of technology, I was able to shoot 150 photos in about 45 minutes. Then I uploaded the photos to the laptop. I chose 25 of my favorites. From there, the Fetzers, my dad and I narrowed it down to 5 finals. I spent a few minutes color correcting the photos and the whole job took about 2 hours from the first shutter click to me handing over a finished CD to the client. With film, it would have take literally days to accomplish the same thing.

Ahhh, but these days my primary focus now that I am back for reals, is getting a jobby job. I am ready to work. I need to work. And my photography career is taking off in such a direction that I could stand to have a regular day job, and have photography to live for when I am not slaving for the man. Please, I need your help. If you work and your work like hires people and stuff, I am a pretty capable guy. I have a whole lot of project management and supervisorial experience, plus a grab bag of other skills so I can fit in just about anywhere.

I am trying not to do the San Francisco art-o thing of living in the Mission, working at a bar or restaurant, etc so I can focus on my art. For one, I am getting a bit old for that, and I need to start getting somewhere besides sidetracked in life. The truth is San Francisco just doesn't offer much for a creative but also employable/business minded late 20's guy like myself. If I were willing to live in NYC or LA, I think my employment situation wouldn't be so bleak. I love San Francisco, and I think the old girl still has a bit more for me, but the hard truth is that SF is dead, and well, I'm not the one to get things going.

I haven't been too crazy about new music these days, but in the past few weeks I've picked up a few albums that I can't stop listening to. The Crimea were openers for Billy Corgan. They sometimes remind me of Bruce Springsteen & The E Street band but from London 2005 instead of New Jersey 1975. I listened to their EP "Lottery Winners on Acid" on infinite repeat for like three days straight, and I am the guy that effing hates it when people listen to the same songs over and over again. They have an album on Warner Bros out September, but the label is kind of giving the run around so they may suffer from a lack of promotion. But they are brilliant, so get it. Or go to their myspace page and listen to a few of the songs.

The thing the broke me out of my Crimea trance was Rilo Kiley "More Adventurous." Joe M recently admitted he gets giddy every time Rilo Kiley comes on internet radio and is a yuppie because of it. I guess because they had a song on The OC and I bought the CD at Target and Jenny Lewis's lyrics are scientifically engineered to appeal to directionless late 20's-ers, then yeah Rilo Kiley is for yuppies. Well then, I am King Yuppie. For my money, this is like my album of the year. Lewis's voice is intensely beautiful, her lyrics clever and intelligent, and the recording has beautiful layer upon layer, just the way I like it. There aren't boring guitar wankery solos, but rather carefully chosen subtle over dubs. This is the kind of album you listen with the headphones on.

Oh yeah, I am really starting to warm up to the new Oasis album. Thank you.


Anonymous Jeo said...

She was really shopping for hair products!!

4:27 PM  
Blogger waltondamian said...

Ni ce post regards to the NYC Real Estate

1:56 AM  

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